Emergency Contact Numbers:
Indian Nationals Seeking Emergency Assistance (24/7):
Indian nationals seeking emergency assistance may call cell number +1-312-753-8530 (and WhatsApp). This number should be used only by Indian nationals seeking immediate emergency assistance and not for routine consular queries.
Emergency Visa Assistance (Week-ends and Holidays):
For any emergency Visa services, please contact cell numbers +1-312-753-8530,+1-312-468-3276. These numbers will be available during weekends and other Consulate holidays. These emergency visa services are generally available for persons of Indian origin in the case of a serious situation like death or serious sickness of an immediate family member. The Consulate will make every effort to accommodate emergency visa requests, provided correct and adequate documentation is submitted by the applicant. Please note that routine queries/requests for information will not be entertained on this number.